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1News offers explainer about Fast-Track Approvals Bill

Summarised by Centrist

The Fast Track Approvals Bill is a “fast-track one-stop-shop” for consenting and permitting of infrastructure projects. 

The bill is controversial to some groups including iwi and conservation advocates, but still enjoys a significant level of support from the public. 

The bill was agreed to between National and NZ First as part of its coalition deal with NZ First.

This scheme would prioritise regionally and nationally significant infrastructure projects, getting them off the ground more quickly. A project would go through only one process to get approval, getting past restrictions from several acts. 

A Fast Track Advisory Group has been set up by the Government to offer advice on which projects should be included in its list. 

A panel of experts will have up to six months to weigh in on conditions to be applied. The ultimate decision to approve or deny a project, however, will rest with the Minister of Infrastructure, the Minister of Transport, and the Minister of Regional Development.

Read more over at 1News

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