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MoH guidelines on gender inclusive maternity care

Bassett, Brash and Hide, Summarised by Centrist

Te Pūkenga and the Ministry of Health recently released their research on trans and non-binary inclusive maternity care, which include guidelines for maternity health providers. The guidelines recommend the removal of “cisnormativity” from maternity healthcare in New Zealand. 

The guidelines also heavily emphasise a decolonising, te ao Māori approach, despite the fact that researchers recruited only two Māori participants and the survey contained no questions on the decolonisation of maternity care. 

The guidelines are based on a model provided by “co-investigator” MP Elizabeth Kerekere. It’s flimsy, fig-leaf research that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the guidelines that supposedly result from it.

Gender identity is used as a pretext for prioritising Māori maternity care over all other minorities or needs, and the Treaty is used as a pretext for shoe-horning gender identity into everything. 

Most of all, the report emphasises again and again that midwives and doctors must approach trans people with humility.

The entitlement of trans activists in NZ must be visible from space, it is  so influential over this government.

Read more over at Bassett, Brash and Hide

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