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Farrar on Te Reo names for Government ministries

Summarised by Centrist 

David Farrar, pollster and commentator, agrees with Christopher Luxon, the incoming Prime Minister, that government agencies should have English names alongside their Te Reo names to ensure clarity and accountability. 

Media scepticism towards Luxon doesn’t reflect public sentiment, as a survey of 1,000 New Zealanders, conducted by Farrar, showed low awareness of English names for government agencies with Te Reo names. For instance, only 8.1% knew “Manatū Hauora” as the Ministry of Health. Even Waka Kotahi was only recognised by half the respondents as NZ Transport Agency. 

While having Te Reo names is positive, using them, solely, may hinder public understanding. An example is the Reserve Bank’s release in Te Reo, making it unclear for most recipients. This practice appears elitist and unhelpful to the public.

Read more over at Breakingviewsnz

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