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Report: Auckland least safe city in Australasia 

Summarised by Centrist 

The recent “State of the City” report, a collaboration between the Committee for Auckland, Deloitte, and Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, reveals that Auckland is the least-safe city in Australasia, ranking 124th (out of 195) in safety. This marks a significant decline over three years, placing Auckland at the bottom among its Australasian peers in terms of safety.

Additionally, the city faces challenges in investment innovation and traffic management. Auckland’s data centre performance is notably low in the APAC region, and issues with traffic congestion and inefficiencies have worsened. In terms of overall socioeconomic development, Auckland ranks 59th globally, but near the bottom among comparable cities.

However, Auckland performs well in work-life balance, ranking 5th globally, and is also considered student-friendly. The city has seen an increase in international visitor spending and is making progress in embedding the circular economy. 

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