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Media manipulation in the Herald’s handling of Luxon’s Te Reo classes?

Summarised by Centrist 

Robert MacCulloch criticises the NZ Herald for its handling of a front-page headline titled “Double Standards: Taxpayer Funds Luxon’s Maori Classes.”  MacCulloch notes the media’s meanness and negativity in highlighting how the journalists question Christopher Luxon’s integrity for enrolling in te reo Maori classes funded by taxpayers. 

He suggests that the Herald’s comment section was manipulated to suppress views supportive of Luxon and the new government, alleging that comments were removed and the article reappeared without the option to comment. 

“(T)he paper did not want a torrent of hundreds of comments come flooding though revealing to the nation how out of step the MainStreamMedia actually is with the mood of the country,” says McCullough. 

Read more over at Down to Earth Kiwi

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