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Concerns grow as right to protest faces threat in the UK

Summarised by Centrist

Tough new laws, including lengthy prison sentences, which restrict the right to protest, have been introduced in the United Kingdom. This has resulted in hundreds of arrests, especially among environmental activists. 

Demonstrations by groups like Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil are called “selfish”, by people like PM Rishi Sunak, with officials labelling such environmental activists as extremists. Crack downs have become increasingly harder and strong measures, they argue, are necessary to prevent extremist activists from disrupting daily life and the economy. 

Critics argue that legitimate and lawful protest is a fundamental right and is being undermined without adequate scrutiny or protection by the courts.

The UK – one of the world’s oldest liberal democracies – lacks a formal constitution, which makes the matter of rights and freedoms that much more murky, says author Andrew Blick. 

“You hope the people in power are going to behave themselves,” he says. 

Read more over at Associated Press

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