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Watchdog – ​​London Ulez ads misleading pollution claims ruled inaccurate

Summarised by Centrist

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) found ads for London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (Ulez) expansion to have misleading claims about pollution levels and upheld complaints. Transport for London’s (TfL’s) assertions of reduced nitrogen dioxide levels lacked proper evidence, while another ad’s claim on air pollution deaths was based on estimates. 

Similarly, a claim by the Greater London Authority stating “according to research, one of the most polluted places in London is inside your car”  lacked direct comparison evidence. 

Although TfL defended its approach, stating it follows standard scientific practice, the ASA emphasised the need for claims to be supported by robust evidence. Both TfL and GLA were instructed to ensure future claims align closely with relevant evidence.

Editor’s note: Readers may wish to take note of how this story illustrates the way modelling and estimates are often assumed to be scientific fact when they are, in essence, guesses. See our articles on Safer Speeds and Herald “fact” based opinion article looks like obvious “fiction” to us

Read more over at The Independent

Image: Doyle of London 

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