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The EU (lightly) taps the brakes on agricultural policies ahead of elections where the right is set to dominate 

Summarised by Centrist 

Nationalism rears its head as the European Commission is expected to introduce legislative proposals easing environmental requirements for farmers.

Widespread farmers’ protests across the EU appear to be working as the EU moves to lighten agricultural restrictions. 

According to reports in The European Conservative:

“While farmers are still financially rewarded for maintaining these practices, those who do not would face no penalties.”

The move to ease up on controversial Net Zero reforms and cheap Ukrainian imports has been prompted by not only the popular EU-wide farmer protests, but the anticipated populist gains in upcoming elections. 

So is this just political theatre? Perhaps. EU Climate Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra affirmed the EU’s 2050 “climate neutral”  goals, —an implicit acknowledgment that the current measures are meant to limit the electoral ‘damage’ as rightist populist parties are expected to make enormous gains, according to reports. 

Read more over at The European Conservative

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