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3 Lies and you’re out

Summarised by Centrist

In their recent article “Chris Hipkins, We Say 3 Lies and You’re Out”, New Zealand doctors speaking out with science (NZDSOS) criticise Hipkins’ recent statements that the COVID-19 vaccine was not compulsory, for New Zealanders, and came down to personal choice. Hipkins’ statement sparked outrage. 

Hipkins also discussed the process for individuals harmed by medical procedures, notably through ACC, which handles claims for ‘treatment injuries’ resulting from vaccines.

Hipkins’ comments about the Royal Commission’s scope continue with the previously announced approach that the government is more focussed on future pandemic preparedness than on evaluating the impact of the COVID response and societal harm.

Some believe Hipkins is out of touch with a significant portion of society.

Read the full story over at NZDSOS

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