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Allegations against Te Pāti Māori mount – so will the investigations be satisfactory?

Summarised by Centrist

Dr Bryce Edwards has summarised the ever-widening allegations against Te Pāti Māori and the Waipareira Trust over their alleged abuse of election laws around the Manurewa Marae in 2023, adding some fresh revelations coming from political bloggers. 

Edwards has summarised on his Democracy Project Substack the mountain of allegations piling up against Te Pati Maori, describing how investigations from various agencies – and investigations of various agencies – might proceed. 

He writes that the Public Service Commission will likely investigate the role of NZ Police, the Privacy Commissioner and Stats NZ – each of which has its own formal investigations underway as well. 

There are good reasons to be sceptical about whether these state agencies “will deliver robust and credible reports,” according to Edwards. The Auditor General, Serious Fraud Office, or a King’s Counsel might also be needed, he argues. 

Edward writes that employment advocate Allan Hulse (representing seven former staff who worked at Manurewa Marae) believes the latest inquiry isn’t sufficient to clear up the issues involved because it isn’t being set up to be truly independent. 

Read more over at Dr Bryce Edwards’s Democracy Project

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