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Big questions on how government temperature “adjustments” suggest a cooling climate 

Summarised by Centrist

In “Man-made cooling”, the findings of a recent investigation by archivist Tony Heller suggest that US government scientists have consistently adjusted historical temperature readings downwards. The further back in time, the further down the temperature adjustment. The result, according to the US’ NOAA is that the earth appears to be warming. But this approach to adjusting past records raises serious questions. 

According to Climate Discussion Nexus: 

“(W)e are asked to believe that in the last 20 years the readings were essentially accurate, but in the 1970s they were consistently about 1.5°F too high, in the 1960s 2 to 3 degrees too high and in the 1950s an astounding 5 degrees too high.”

But, how could these adjustments have been determined retrospectively? Could it be that systematic errors from decades ago, scattered across diverse locations, necessitated these adjustments? 

The remarkable consistency in temperature adjustments, with readings from decades past consistently lowered, even when those adjustments are corrections, seem implausible. 

Read more over at Climate Discussions Nexus

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