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Dr Muriel Newman on race-based privileges -“Their extremism is plain to see”

Summarised By Centrist 

Dr Muriel Newman says entrenched race-based privileges in New Zealand are eroding equal rights for all. She blames the “tribal elite” for resistance to reforms aimed at curbing the Treaty grievance industry.

Newman says misused claims of systemic racism do not justify discrimination, such as racial quotas in medical school admissions and healthcare prioritisation based on race. 

“(S)ince a comprehensive network of Maori health providers set up by Helen Clark’s Labour Government to ‘close the gaps’ 20 years ago has made little difference to health outcomes in their two decades of operation, it is misleading to claim a race-based approach works,” writes Newman. 

Many of these privileges are pursuant to the “principles” of the Treaty. But the Treaty doesn’t have principles. It has articles. She endorses replacing vague references to principles with specifics. She points out the Treaty itself is not being changed and accuses those suggesting as much of scaremongering. 

“But the truth is that fair minded kiwis, including many of Māori decent, have had enough of tribal activists using culture as a vehicle, not only for personal enrichment, but also to impose their radical agenda onto the country.

Their extremism is plain to see,” she says. 

Read more over at NZCPR

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