Summarised by Centrist
Fiona Mackenzie, a businesswoman and advocate for democratic principles, strongly criticises legacy media commentators for supporting what she describes as identity separatism in New Zealand.
“Look around the world and see the violence, corruption, dysfunction, and poverty in countries promoting tribalism and racial favouritism. There are absolutely no examples of it working anywhere, so these ignoramuses can take their race or identity-based governance and shove it!” she exclaims.
According to Mackenzie, race-based Māori wards are exclusionary and divisive, potentially leading to a loss of democracy.
“With a foot, leg, and torso already in the door, race-based governance is striving to prevent New Zealand from ever regaining its democracy, and we will all suffer its loss,” she writes.
She cites the risk of channelling resources to tribal interests and the potential for corruption and division. She also criticises the Māori/tribal Sovereignty ideology, which she claims has gained momentum, threatening to undermine New Zealand’s democratic foundations.
“Democracy, if well-maintained by education, free speech, and an independent media, can manage and control humanity’s lust for power and control over others,” she writes.
“We must demand equal citizenship, and not ancestral, religious, or ethnic favouritism in the way we are governed,” she concludes.