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Fluoridation fight heads back to councils under NZ First plan

Summarised by Centrist

New Zealand First is pushing to give local councils the power to decide on water fluoridation. At their conference on 12 October, the party passed a remit calling for the repeal of a 2021 law that gave control to the Director-General of Health (DGH), leaving communities with no say. 

This move, they argue, is essential as councils face hefty fines for resisting fluoridation, despite public opposition. 

Fluoride Free NZ backs the push, claiming, “threatening people with huge fines to do something against their conscience is straight out bullying.” They argue that decision making belongs with the community, not health officials. 

The Tauranga City Council’s recent vote to begin fluoridation is an example of the controversy. Despite reservations from councillors and the mayor, the DGH directive leaves them little choice. 

Critics claim the evidence against fluoridation is growing, citing a Cochrane Collaboration report and a US Federal Court ruling that both raise concerns about fluoride’s impact on children’s IQ.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health cites “The World Health Organisation and other international and national health and scientific experts.” They argue:

“Over 60 years of international and New Zealand research shows water fluoridation is both a safe and effective way to reduce tooth decay.” 

Former MP Simon O’Connor added fuel to the debate last week, saying health officials must “respond to what’s happening.” 

Read more over at Fluoride Free NZ

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