Hollywood, here I come! Jacinda Ardern backs US doco, raising questions about NZ Film Commission’s taxpayer-funded project

Summarised by Centrist 

Former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern supports a new US documentary about her life, produced by Madison Wells, largely because it doesn’t rely on New Zealand taxpayer funding. 

But where does this leave the New Zealand Film Commission’s (NZFC) unauthorised $3.2 million film on Ardern, with about $2 million in taxpayer and public support? 

The NZFC’s project, titled “Mania,” contrasts with the US film, which Ardern feels offers a more personal and human perspective without public funding. 

This situation raises questions about the necessity and impact of using taxpayer money for local productions when international projects may achieve similar goals without public expense. 

Yet, the NZFC maintains confidence in “Mania” with both films  set for release in 2025.

Editor’s note: The Centrist gives kudos to Ms Ardern for being against NZ public money being used for a film about her. 

Read more over at The New Zealand Herald (paywalled)

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