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McCoskrie: “How dare that man speak up for the rights of women”

Summarised by Centrist

Bob McCoskrie of Family First, in a blog titled “Only the man would defend women”, covers the recent TVNZ debate for young voters featuring six panellists (including four current MPs). McCoskrie observes that the lone male, Lee Donaghue of NZ First, was the only one who spoke up for girls’ and women’s rights, safety and protection while the women either stood silent or attacked him. 

Donaghue was subject to loaded questions about NZ First’s stance on trans issues and verbally attacked by Green MP Chloe Swarbrick. 

“Because to disagree with anyone – about anything – is to deny their existence – according to the radical left. This is how they shut down debate,” says McCoskrie. 

Listen to the whole blog over at Family First

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