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National Party faces challenge to move beyond Key-era legacy

Summarised by Centrist 

According to journalist Thomas Manch, the National Party’s recent AGM highlighted its struggle to move beyond the John Key era and secure future electoral success. 

Despite celebrating their election win, the party is grappling with outdated strategies and a need for modernisation. 

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, overshadowed by Key, failed to resonate as strongly with members. The party aims to modernise and attract younger and more diverse members. National Party President Sylvia Wood emphasised the importance of reflecting New Zealand’s demographics. 

Ministers Nicola Willis and Chris Bishop are spearheading new policies to address housing and economic issues, crucial for regaining voter support. “National is the party of the worker,” stated Willis, in what Manch interprets as a shift in focus for the party. 

Read more over at The Post

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