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New Zealand’s education system: Seven decades of resets

Summarised by Centrist

The pattern of New Zealand’s education system, which has undergone significant transformations over the past fifty years, is the subject of Caleb Anderson’s article “Is there a pattern to our education resets?” 

The short answer is ‘Yes’. 

Anderson, with over three decades of experience in education, identifies seven major resets, which include shifts from traditional teaching methods to whole language learning, an emphasis on self-esteem over excellence, and the transition from knowledge-based curriculum to student-led learning.

Anderson argues each reset paved the way for the next one; and that the pace of change sped up over time. These changes were often made without public debate or solid research. 

According to Anderson, the issue lies in their uncritical implementation, ideological basis, lack of trials, and neglect of potential harm to traditional learning. This eroded the importance of knowledge in education.

“Data suggests a likely correlation between the implementation of these changes and a decline in education standards,” he says. 

Read more over at Bassett, Brash, and Hide

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