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Poll shows 67% support for cellphone ban in schools

Summarised by Centrist 

In the wake of the coalition government’s cellphone ban in classrooms across the nation, Family First is publicising a Curia Research poll showing widespread support for the move.

A recent poll conducted by Curia Market Research reveals that 67% of adult New Zealanders support a ban on cellphones for students in schools. 

The poll, conducted in August 2023, surveyed 1,000 respondents and found that 61% of respondents with children under 18 supported the ban. Support for the ban was higher among females (74%) compared to males (61%). Age-wise, support ranged from 59% among 18 to 40-year-olds to 81% among those aged 61 and above. Additionally, 30% opposed the ban, with 3% unsure. 

In terms of geographical location, support was highest in provincial areas (74%) compared to metro (61%) and rural (71%) areas. 

These findings suggest strong public support for a cellphone ban in schools and concern about the declining standard of education.

The poll also asked about perceptions of the standard of education in New Zealand, with 63% of respondents believing it is declining, 22% saying it remains the same, and 7% believing it is improving. 

Editor’s note: Recent coverage of other countries’ experience with cellphone bans, such as the UK and Norway, seems to suggest there are positive outcomes to be had from such a policy although there is some disagreement about the extent of those benefits. 

Read more over at Family First

Read more over at The NZ Herald (Paywalled)

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