RNZ’s coverage of Cameron Brewer’s speech suggests resisting NZ’s political shift

Summarised by Centrist

RNZ’s coverage of new National Party MP Cameron Brewer’s election night speech, where he humorously declared “stale, pale males are back,” has commentator Karl du Fresne questioning the broadcaster’s editorial judgement. The report, which focused on Brewer’s comments and implied a racial element in his victory over Sri Lankan-born Labour MP Vanushi Walters, has been criticised for potentially exaggerating the significance of a remark made on election night amid the celebration. 

Pearl clutching from the RNZ editorial board suggests the state broadcaster is not keeping pace with the country’s changing political and social landscape. This is especially true post-election, where there’s a shift away from the previously dominant ‘wokeness’ narrative. Du Fresne argues that RNZ, and mainstream media in general, should reflect the society they serve.

“Stories that pander to the prejudices of the bullying metropolitan Left strike a jarring note now that the country has moved on.”

Read more over at Karl du Fresne’s blogspot

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