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HIde: ‘The UN and WHO statements align perfectly with the advocates for paedophilia’

Summarised by Centrist

Political commentator and ex politician Rodney Hide cuts through the UN and WHO word-salad to expose their warped vision for sex education for “Young people”. 

“Not young adults,” writes Hide. “How old is a young person? Well, any age actually. The UN deliberately blurs the age at which children are to be sexualised,” he writes.

Hide calls these organisations corrupt and perverted. 

Hide links New Zealand’s Relationship and Sexuality Education curriculum to the UN’s Agenda 2030, He accuses the government of following international mandates that harm children. 

He notes that Winston Peters affirmed New Zealand’s commitment to Agenda 2030, despite his Coalition Agreement with National promising to remove and replace the gender, sexuality, and relationship education guidelines. 

Also, in Hide’s opinion, Peters and PM Christopher Luxon, are complicit, either knowingly or through ignorance as the government pushes forward with the Ministry of Education’s curriculum under Agenda 2030. 

“One day it will come. One day Agenda 2030 will be ripped up for the perverted and destructive agreement that it is. 

That will be the truly blessed day that we once again put our kids and our country first,” he writes. 

Read more over at Bassett, Brash, and Hide

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